A recent report commissioned by The Carbon Trust suggests that sustainability is a growing business priority as a result of Covid-19.
The Carbon Trust commissioned B2B International to undertake the ‘Corporate attitudes towards sustainability’ research for a second year. It conducted 453 interviews with large companies (minimum 1,000 employees and over a quarter with more than 5,000 employees) in: Germany, France, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, and the UK.
The research was undertaken in July of this year so does not reflect business confidence following more recent ‘second spikes’ in Europe especially, however experience suggests that the findings are likely to still be accurate.
Hugh Jones, Managing Directory, Advisory at the Carbon Trust commented:
“The findings of this research are consistent with what we are seeing in the market. Sustainability is rightly a growing business priority and the increasing demand for our services aimed at helping corporates to decarbonise and adapt for the future demonstrates that, despite extremely challenging market conditions, this is one area that businesses are continuing to prioritise.
The global health crisis is perhaps elevating the need for action on risk in boardrooms globally, and the climate crisis presents risks that no business can afford to ignore.”